Annual Science Fair (2024-25)
IMPORTANT UPDATE (Feb 7th, 2024)
IMPORTANT UPDATE (Feb 7th, 2024)
science fair Goals
Forest Hill Elementary Annual Science Fair provides a vehicle by which young science, mathematics and engineering students can be recognized for their achievements just as athletes are recognized in sporting events. The purpose of the event is also to recognize and commend youthful scientific talent and interest in scientific investigation. When students do original work, they better understand the nature of science. They get to work with other students in the school who share their interest. The hope is that, as a result of this experience, many of these students may go on to pursue STEM careers to further explore their interests.
⚠️ UPDATE (Feb-2024)
Official flyers were sent out via Friday folders on Jan-10
Deadline to register team - Feb-7th, 2024
Registered teams shall receive “welcome email” with further instructions in mid-Feb
Science Fair Event day: Apr-2rd, 2024, 2:30 to 5:00 PM
🗓️ Key Dates 🗓️
Please submit 1 FORM PER TEAM (Look for “Submit Here” button above)
If the team is not committed to a project idea yet, feel free to submit the form and put "TBD" in idea submission section. (Please note that all teams MUST submit their firm ideas by Feb-10th, 2024)
Team size shall be <5 students/team (Recommended size is 2-3 students/team)
OK to form team across multiple grades (though not recommended)
This is a competition (limited to Forest Hill School). There will be judges and awards.
If you would like to make changes to the submitted form (change in team members, team name, project idea etc) please reach out to
Due to legal reasons, the project participation is currently limited to actively enrolled Forest Hill students only (all grades are welcome!)
Non-Forest Hill students, parents are welcome to visit the event on Apr-3rd
Students in grade TK-5 are eligible to participate
The project should reflect your child's grade level appropriately
All exhibits must be constructed by the students themselves at home. Parents, teachers, or any technically trained professional may give advice and guidance ONLY
All equipment and other necessary materials shall be furnished by the students. For electricity needs, please make appropriate selections in registration form
For additional details, please ref to “Information Packet” link above
**This section is applicable to 2-5th graders only. TK, K & 1st grade students are exempt from this rule**
Models or collections are not acceptable form of presentations for Science Fair. Instead, students are encouraged to follow the scientific methods, develop a testable question, and perform an experiment
Examples of display or collection projects can be: “The Solar System”, “Types of Dinosaurs” , “Types of Rocks”, “My gum collection…”
Examples of models might be: “The solar system” or “How an Electric Motor Works”, “Tornado in a Bottle”
Examples of experiments can be: “The Effects of Detergent on the Growth of Plants”, “Which Paper Towel is more Absorbant” or “What Structure can Withstand the Most Amount of Weight”
All students are required to have some type of written data, report, or information that supports their experiment. Students in K-1 can dictate their report to an adult. It is not required that this information be typed
For additional details, please ref to information packet above
Description text goFood preferences in gerbils
Packaging eggs and shock resistance
Comparing the tensile strength of different metals
Laminar vs Turbulent flow, which one is better and when? Show flow patterns with different types of fluids
The history of electricity
How do electric cars work?
Lifecycle of an electric vehicle parts
Natural convection in fluids vs natural flow patterns at different temperatures
How do airplanes fly
Designing the most efficient propeller
Learning styles and memory retention
Does adding salt to water changeHow does heat flow work? Different ways to “see” the heat transfer patterns
Teams should generally have fewer than 10 members (Recommended size is 4-5 students/team)
Each team shall identify 1 (or more) Team Lead(s). We encourage parents of the student team members to take up the Lead role, to guide students through the science project as needed. If teams do not have a Lead identified within themselves, PTA STEM committee shall assign one of the STEM volunteers to guide students as needed.
Typical responsibilities of Team Lead/Guide include helping kids handle tools as needed, monitor financial aspects of the project, help channelize students’ ideas for the project, make sure project work is at par with students’ class grade, guide students through poster prep, make sure project is competed on time etc.
Students shall do most of the project work, and seek guidance from Lead when needed.
STEM volunteers for this event will read through all project idea submissions on/after the idea submission deadline (Feb-10th). Intention is to ensure we do not end up with too many duplicate project ideas within students. STEM team will reach out to concerned teams if this turns out to be the case
In the week of Feb-12th, STEM committee shall send out a formal welcome email to all registered students/parents
In mid-March, STEM committee shall distribute poster boards to students
In late-March, STEM committee shall send out specific instructions around booth assignments, detailed event schedule, location details etc.
Poster is expected to be a summary of your work
A (physical) poster board will be provided to students by STEM-Committee by mid-March
Ref to “Information Packet” link on this page for dimensional guidelines of the poster
We are actively looking for parent volunteers for this event
Primary responsibilities include -
Guide students w/ project detailed designs, builds, tests etc
Manage project financials, order parts as needed
Act as a catalyst during brainstorming sessions & help channel students’ thinking in the right direction
Help kids prepare posters
Ensure projects are completed on time
Motivate the team, and turn this into a fun activity for kids
Advertise kids’ work on science fair day!
To sign up please go to or email
📢 Disclaimer 📢
Forest Hill Science Fair is fully funded & run by Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
This is considered a voluntary activity by participants
Science Fair activity is NOT part of Forest Hill school curriculum. There is no expectation from school staff (including class teachers) that they offer any resources or guidance to students complete their science fair projects
🛠️ Supporting information 🛠️
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Direct any questions to