Welcome to Forest Hill PTA
The Forest Hill PTA is a nonprofit organization consisting of Parents, Teachers and Administrators that work together to better the lives of families, children and our teachers. Our PTA works with Forest Hill Elementary to make events, programs and opportunities available for our students. We support all programs for all Forest Hill students (TK through 5th) including Special Day Classes..
New Parent Onboarding is a great way to get yourself familiarized with PTA activities & systems.
About Us offers a great synopsis of how PTA works with Forest Hill School to make a variety of PTA events happen each year.
The PTA Newsletters tells all about the happenings going on at our school each month. Make sure to read through and see all the amazing things your donations pay for at our school!
Upcoming PTA Events
December 21st - January 5th - School Break
Monday, 01/20 - Dining Night Out - Pizza My Heart
Monday, 01/20 - MLK Jr. Day - No School
Friday, 01/24, 8:30 - 9:30 am- Coffee with the Principals
End of January/Beginning of February - Canned Food Drive
Tuesday, 02/11, 7:00 - 8:00pm PTA Association Meeting
Hybrid - Link below
Please come try the in person option. Meet your community
See our full 2024-2025 Calendar of Events here!